

  • 本书编委会 著
  • 出版社: 中国环境出版社
  • ISBN:9787511131812
  • 出版时间:2017
  • 标注页数:194页
  • 文件大小:20MB
  • 文件页数:204页
  • 主题词:生态环境-环境规划-中国-2016-2020


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第一章 全国生态环境保护形势2

第一节 生态环境保护取得积极进展2

第二节 生态环境是全面建成 小康社会的突出短板5

第三节 生态环境保护面临机遇与挑战6

第二章 指导思想、基本原则与主要目标8

第一节 指导思想8

第二节 基本原则9

第三节 主要目标10

第三章 强化源头防控,夯实绿色发展基础13

第一节 强化生态空间管控13

第二节 推进供给侧结构性改革15

第三节 强化绿色科技创新引领17

第四节 推动区域绿色协调发展20

第四章 深化质量管理,大力实施三大行动计划23

第一节 分区施策改善大气环境质量23

第二节 精准发力提升水环境质量26

第三节 分类防治土壤环境污染32

第五章 实施专项治理,全面推进达标排放与污染减排36

第一节 实施工业污染源全面达标排放计划36

第二节 深入推进重点污染物减排38

第三节 加强基础设施建设44

第四节 加快农业农村环境综合治理46

第六章 实行全程管控,有效防范和降低环境风险49

第一节 完善风险防控和应急响应体系49

第二节 加大重金属污染防治力度51

第三节 提高危险废物处置水平53

第四节 夯实化学品风险防控基础54

第五节 加强核与辐射安全管理54

第七章 加大保护力度,强化生态修复56

第一节 维护国家生态安全56

第二节 管护重点生态区域57

第三节 保护重要生态系统58

第四节 提升生态系统功能59

第五节 修复生态退化地区60

第六节 扩大生态产品供给61

第七节 保护生物多样性63

第八章 加快制度创新,积极推进治理体系和治理能力现代化65

第一节 健全法治体系65

第二节 完善市场机制66

第三节 落实地方责任68

第四节 加强企业监管70

第五节 实施全民行动71

第六节 提升治理能力72

第九章 实施一批国家生态环境保护重大工程76

第十章 健全规划实施保障措施84

第一节 明确任务分工84

第二节 加大投入力度84

第三节 加强国际合作85

第四节 推进试点示范86

第五节 严格评估考核86

Chapter 1 An Overview of Environmental Protection in China91

Section 1 Positive progress91

Section 2 Ecological environment remaining a weak link in achieving a moderately prosperous society in all aspects94

Section 3 Opportunities and challenges for the protection of ecological environment96

Chapter 2 Guidelines, Basic Principles and Main Objectives98

Section 1 Guidelines98

Section 2 Basic principles98

Section 3 Main objectives100

Chapter 3 Prevent and Control Pollution at Source to Lay Groundwork for Green Development104

Section 1 Strengthen management and control of ecological space104

Section 2 Advance supply-side structural reform106

Section 3 Drive growth through green technology innovation109

Section 4 Promote green and coordinated regional development113

Chapter 4 Promote Quality-oriented Management in Implementing the Three Action Plans on Prevention and Control of Air, Water and Soil Poll ution116

Section 1 Improve ambient air quality in line with regional conditi ons116

Section 2 Improve water quality with targeted measures120

Section 3 Tackle soil contamination by category128

Chapter 5 Promote Up-to-Standard Discharge and Emissions Reduction While Targeting Special Sectors and Areas132

Section 1 Implement plans on up-to-standard discharge from all industrial pollution sources132

Section 2 Further reduce major pollutants discharge134

Section 3 Advance infrastructure construction141

Section 4 Tackle agricultural pollution and improve rural environment in a comprehensive manner145

Chapter 6 Integrate Pollution Prevention and Control into the Whole Process to Effectively Prevent and Mitigate Environmental Risks147

Section 1 Improve the systems of risk prevention and control and emergency response147

Section 2 Step up prevention and control of heavy metal pollution149

Section 3 Enhance hazardous waste disposal152

Section 4 Build up the capacity to manage chemical risks153

Section 5 Strengthen management over nuclear and radiation safe ty154

Chapter 7 Enhance Ecological Protection and Restoration156

Section 1 Safeguard national ecological security156

Section 2 Manage and protect key ecological regions157

Section 3 Protect important ecosystems158

Section 4 Enhance ecosystem functions160

Section 5 Restore ecologically degraded areas161

Section 6 Expand ecological products supply162

Section 7 Conserve biodiversity164

Chapter 8 Modernize Governance System and Enhance its Capacity by Accelerating Institutional Innovation167

Section 1 Put in place a sound legal framework167

Section 2 Improve market mechanism168

Section 3 Ensure localities fulfill their due responsibilities170

Section 4 Strengthen regulation of enterprises173

Section 5 Mobilize public support175

Section 6 Build up governance capacity176

Chapter 9 Implement National Projects on Protecting the Ecological En vironment180

Chapter 10 Introduce Supporting Measures to Facilitate Implementati on191

Section 1 Clarify responsibilities and tasks191

Section 2 Increase inputs191

Section 3 Expand international cooperation192

Section 4 Push ahead pilot and demonstration projects193

Section 5 Examine and evaluate progress and performance with strict standards194
