

  • 肖惜,余健明主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • ISBN:7562818584
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:260页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:272页
  • 主题词:有机化学-高等学校-教材


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Part Ⅰ Essays 散文,小品文,随笔,评论3

Life is a Chess-board/Thomas Henry Huxley 人生是一盘棋3

Best of Times/Charles Dickens 最好的时代5

Equality and Greatness/George Bernard Shaw 平等与伟大7

Great Expectations/Charles Dickens 远大前程9

The Doer of Deeds/Theodore Roosevelt 有作为的人11

American Dream/Corinne Brown 美国梦13

Shakespeare/Samuel Johnson 莎士比亚15

Heart of a Stranger/Margaret Laurence 陌生者之心17

Thoughts in a Grave Yard/Joseph Addison 墓园沉思20

I Have As Much Soul As You/Charlotte Brontё 我的心灵一样丰富23

Frankness/Robert E. Lee 诚实26

Letter to a Young Friend/Benjamin Franklin 给年轻朋友的一封信29

The Meaning of Life/J.B.Priestley 生命的意义32

Love Your Life/Henry David Thoreau 热爱生活35

Build Me a Son/Douglas Mac Arthur 塑造我儿38

The Pleasant Family/William Somerset Maugham 幸福的一家41

Two Views of Time/R.Grudin 两种时间观念44

Youth/Samuel Ullman 青春46

Advice to a Young Man/Robert J. Burdette 给一位青年的忠告49

What is Immortal/William Hazlitt 论不朽52

The English Character/Oliver Goldsmith 英国人的性格56

The Use of History/A.L. Rowse 历史的用处58

The Study of Words/Wilfred Funk Norman Lewis 学习词汇的重要性61

Did You Deal with Fortune Fairly/Lord Chesterfield 你对命运公平吗64

The Lesson of a Tree/Walter Whitman 一棵树的启示68

The Joys of Writing/Winston Churchill 写作的快乐72

Three Passions/Bertrand Russell 三种激情75

The Americans/Bradford Smith 美国人79

The English and the Americans/Edward T. Hall 英国人和美国人82

Advice to Youth/Mark Twain 忠告年轻人86

Companionship of Books/Samuel Smiles 书为友89

A Tribute to the Dog/G.G. Vest 犬的礼赞93

Three Days to See/Helen Keller 假如给我三天光明97

Golden Fruit/A.A. Milne 金灿灿的水果101

The English Humor/John B. Watson 英国人的幽默105

The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life/May Sarton 独居所感109

Why I Want a Wife/Judy Syfers 我为什么想要妻子113

Of Studies/Francis Bacon 论读书117

The Tragedy of Old Age/Robert N.Butler 老年的悲剧121

Three Periods of My Youth/John Woolman 年轻时代的三个阶段126

The Lowest Animal/Mark Twain 最低等的动物131

The Art of Living/John B. Priestley 生活的艺术135

Art and Life/Jeanette Winterson 艺术与生命140

The Winter of Wisconsin/Jeff Rennicke 威斯康星州的冬日146

New England Weather/Mark Twain 新英格兰的天气148

A Wet Sunday in a Country Inn/Washington Irving 乡村客栈的一个阴雨星期天150

Summer/Alice Meynell 夏153

At the Edge of the Sea/Rachel Louise Carson 在海边156

I Have a Dream/Martin Luther King 我有一个梦165

Part Ⅱ Speeches 演说165

Gettysburg Address/Abraham Lincoln 在盖茨堡的演讲168

President Bush Addresses Nation on Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy/George W. Bush 布什总统就哥伦比亚号航天飞机失事讲话172

Remarks in Welcoming Ceremonies in Xi'an/Bill Clinton 在西安欢迎仪式上的演说176

The Tribute/Earl Spencer 悼词182

Inauguration Address/John F. Kennedy 肯尼迪就职演说190

Part Ⅲ Poems 诗歌203

Fog/Carl Sandburg 雾203

First Fig/Edno St. Vincent Millay 第一颗无花果205

Quiet Girl/Langston Hughes 恬静的女孩207

My People/Langston Hughes 我的人民209

Spring Song/William Blake 春歌210

A Girl/Ezra Pound 女孩212

Do You Fear the Wind?/Hamlin Garland 你可害怕寒风凛冽?215

Hope is the Thing with Feathers/Emily Dickinson 希望长着羽毛217

To Daffodils/Robert Herrick 咏黄水仙花219

Those Winter Sundays/Robert Hayden 冬天的星期日222

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening/Robert Frost 风雪夜林边停225

A Red,Red Rose/Robert Burns 一朵红红的玫瑰227

Sonnet 18/William Shakespeare 十四行诗230

The Road Not Taken/Robert Frost 未选择的路233

She Walks in Beauty/George Gordon Byron 她走在美的光彩中236

O Captain!My Captain!/Walt Whitman 哦,船长!我的船长!238

All the World's a Stage/William Shakespeare 整个世界是个舞台241

Part Ⅳ Movies 电影249

Mr.Holland's Opus 《霍兰先生的乐章》(节选)249

Teachers are People 《教师是人》(节选)252

Scent of a Woman 《闻香识女人》(节选)255

