

  • 钱厚生著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:7100020573
  • 出版时间:1996
  • 标注页数:214页
  • 文件大小:5MB
  • 文件页数:225页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter 1 The Structure of Greetings and Partings5

1.1 Greetings and Partings as Conversational Components5

Figure 1 Summary Diagram of Clark’s Analysis of Conversational Structure7


1.2 Greetings and Partings as Speech Units9

Figure 2 Modified Diagram of Greetings and Part-ings as Components of Conversational Structure10

1.3 Greetings and Partings as Adjacency Pairs16

Chapter 2 The Function of Greetings and Partings21

2.1 Greetings and Partings as Illocutionary Acts21

2.2 Greetings and Partings as Access Rituals24

2.3 Greetings and Partings as Linguistic Routines of Politeness26

Chapter 3 The Use of Greetings and Partings29

3.1 Greeting and Partins? Strategies:Brown and Levinson’s Mod?29

3.2 Social Factors in Greetings and Partings? Laver’s Framework34

Figure 3 Laver’s Diagram of the Factors That Con-strain the Choice of Formulaic Greeting and Parting Phrases in British English37

3.3 Other Factors in Greetings and Partings38

Chapter 4 Greetings and Partings in English and Chinese:A Contrastive Study of Their Repertoire42

4.1 Data Collection42

4.2 Varieties of English and Chinese Greetings45

and Partings45

Figure 4 Summary Diagram of the Classification of Greetings54

4.3 Difference in English and Chinese Greetings and Partings59

Figure 5 Summary Diagram of the Classification of Partings59

4.4 English and Chinese Terms of Address64

Table 1 English and Chinese Kinship Terms65


5.1 Experimental Method69

Chapter 5 Greetings and Partings in English and Chinese:Experiments on Their Use69

5.2 Frequency of Use of English and Chinese Greetings and Partings72

Table 2 Frequency Scores of Specified English and Chinese Greeting Expressions73

Table 3 Frequency Scores of Specified English and Chinese Parting Expressions74

5.3 Degree of Politeness in English and Chinese Greetings and Partings75

Table 4 Politeness Scores of Specified English Greeting Expressions76

Table 5 Politeness Scores of Specified Chinese Greeting Expressions77

Table 7 Politeness Scores of Specified Chinese Parting Expressions78

Table 6 Politeness Scores of Specified English Parting Expressions78

Table 9 Politeness Scores of Specified Responses to Chinese Greeting79

Table 8 Politeness Scores of Specified Responses to English Greeting79

Table 10 Politeness Scores of Specified Responses to English Parting80

Table 11 Politeness Scores of Specified Responses to Chinese Parting80

5.4 Social Factors Constraining the Use of English and Chinese Greetings and Partings81

Table 12 Percentage of English Informants Using Specified Greeting Expressions to Different Types of Addressees82

Table 13 Percentage of Chinese Informants Using Specified Greeting Expressions to Different Types of Addressees83

Table 14 Percentage of English Informants Using Specified Parting Expressions to Different Types of Addressees85

Table 15 Percentage of Chinese Informants Using Specified Parting Expressions to Different Types of Addressees85

5.5 The Use of English and Chinese Terms of Address86

Table 17 Evaluation of Terms of Address as Polite-ness Intensifiers in Chinese Greetings87

Table 18 Evaluation of Terms of Address as Polite-ness Intensifiers in English Partings87

Table 16 Evaluation of Terms of Address as Polite-ness Intensifiers in English Greetings87

Table 20 Evaluation of Terms of Address as Greet-ings in English and Chinese88

Table 19 Evaluation of Terms of Address as Polite-ness Intensifiers in Chinese Partings88

Table 22 Percentage of Chinese Informants Using Specified Terms of Address to Different Types of Addressees90

Table 21 Percentage of English Informants Using Specified Terms of Address to Different Types of Addressees90

Table 23 Percentage of English Informants Prefer-ring Specified Terms of Address from Different Types of Speakers92

Table 24 Percentage of Chinese Informants Prefer-ring Specified Terms of Address from Different Types of Speakers92

Chapter 6 Greetings and Partings in Cross-Cultural Communication and Conclusion95

6.1 Greetings and Partings Between English and Chinese Speakers:Problems in Cross-Cultural Communication95

6.2 Conclusion99

Appendix Ⅰ A Questionnaire on English Greetings and Partings101

Appendix Ⅱ A Questionnaire on Chinese Greetings and Partings111






1.1 问候语和告别语作为会话成分131

第一章 问候语和告别语的结构131

1.2 问候语和告别语作为言语单位135

1.3 问候语和告别语作为毗连语对140

第二章 问候语和告别语的功能144

2.1 问候语和告别语作为言外之行144

2.2 问候语和告别语作为接近礼仪146

2.3 问候语和告别语作为常规礼貌用语148

第三章 问候语和告别语的使用150

3.1 问候语和告别语策略:布朗和莱文森的模式150

3.2 问候语和告别语的社会因素:莱佛的框架154

3.3 问候语和告别语的其他因素158

第四章 英汉问候语和告别语语汇对比研究161

4.1 语料采集161

4.2 英汉问候语和告别语的类别163

4.3 英汉问候语和告别语的差异175

4.4 英语和汉语的称呼179

第五章 英汉问候语和告别语使用对比实验183

5.1 实验方法183

5.2 英汉问候语和告别语的使用频度185

5.3 英汉问候语和告别语的礼貌程度188

5.4 制约英汉问候语和告别语使用的社会因素193

5.5 英语和汉语称呼的使用197

第六章 跨文化交际中的问候语和告别语与结论204

6.1 英语和汉语使用者之间的问候与告别——跨文化交际中的问题204

6.2 结论207


