

  • 陈璞主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京市:华文出版社
  • ISBN:7507516113
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:545页
  • 文件大小:11MB
  • 文件页数:581页
  • 主题词:英语-短语-高等学校-词典


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a bird in (the) hand1

a bit1

a bolt from the blue1

a case in point1

a far cry from1

a few2

a good deal2

a good many2

a little2

a lot3

a lot of3

a multitude of3

a number of3

a piece of cake4

a sea of4

a series of4

a trifle4

a variety of4

abandon oneself to5

above all5

above board5

above sb. ’s/the head5

across the board5

act on6

act up6

add up6

add up to7

after all7

again and again7

against all (the) odds7

ahead of7

ahead of schedule8

ahead of time8

all along8

all at once8

all but9

all in all9

all manner of9

all of a sudden10

all over10

(all) over again10

all right10

all the same11

all the time11

all the way11

all the while11

all things considered11

all thumbs11

all told12

allow for12

allow of12

along with13

and so forth13

and so on13

angle for13

answer for13

anything but14

anything like14

apart from14

arm in arm15

as... as...15

as a matter of fact15

as a result15

as a result of15

as a rule16

as a whole16

as far as16

as far as... be concerned16

as follows17

as for17

as good as17

as if17

as it is18

as it were18

as long as18

as often as not18

as regards19

as soon as19

as such19

as though20

as to20

as usual20

as well20

as well as21

as yet21

aside from22

ask after22

ask for22

assert oneself23

at a glance23

at a loss23

at a pinch24

at a premium24

at a stretch24

at a time24

at all24

at all costs25

at all events25

at all times25

at any price26

at any rate26

at best26

at ease26

at fault27

at first27

at first sight27

(at) full blast27

(at) full tilt28

at hand28

at heart28

at home28

at intervals29

at large29

at last30

at least30

at leisure30

at length30

at liberty31

at most31

at no time31

at odds (with)31

at once32

at one (with)32

at one time32

at one’s wits’ end33

at peace33

at present33

at random34

at risk34

at sb. ’s disposal34

at sea34

at short notice34

at sight35

at the cost of35

at the expense of35

at the latest35

at the mercy of36

at the moment36

at the outset36

at the outside36

at the ready37

at the risk of37

at the same time37

at this rate38

at times38

at will38

at work39

avail oneself of39

back and forth40

back down40

back of40

back off40

back out41

back up41

badly off41

bargain for41

bargain on42

be able to42

be about to43

be bound up in43

be bound up with43

be composed of43

be friends with43

be in for44

be made up of44

be on a diet44

be snowed under44

bear down44

bear in mind44

bear on45

bear out45

bear up46

bear with47

beat about the bush47

beat down47

beat it47

beat up47

because of48

become of48

before long48

beg off49

behind sb. ’s back49

behind the bars49

behind the scenes49

behind the times49

believe in50

bend over backward(s)50

beside the point51

beyond belief51

beyond compare51

beyond (a) doubt52

beyond measure52

beyond question52

bit by bit52

black and blue52

blaze a trail53

block off53

block up53

blow up53

board up54

boil down to54

boil over55

book in55

both... and55

branch out56

break away56

break down56

break even56

break in57

break into57

break off58

break out58

break sb. ’s heart59

break the ice59

break through59

break up60

bring about61

bring around61

bring down61

bring forward61

bring... home to62

bring into being62

bring into effect62

bring into operation62

bring into play63

bring off63

bring on63

bring out63

bring the house down64

bring through64

bring to64

bring to justice65

bring to life65

bring to light65

bring to one’s knees65

bring up66

bring up the rear66

brush aside66

brush off67

brush up67

buck up67

build in67

build on68

build up68

bump into68

bundle up69

burn down69

burn out69

burn up70

burst in on70

burst into70

burst out71

but for71

but then71

buy off71

buy out72

by accident72

by air72

by all means72

by and by72

by and large72

by any chance73

by chance73

by common consent73

by comparison73

by contrast73

by courtesy of74

by degrees74

by far74

by hand74

by heart74

by itself75

by leaps and bounds75

by means of75

by mistake75

by no means75

by oneself76

by reason of76

by right(s)76

by the book76

by the by76

by the same token77

by the way77

by trial and error77

by turns77

by virtue of77

by way of77

call back78

call for78

call in78

call... in question78

call it a day79

call off79

call on79

call sb. ’s bluff79

call up80

can not but80

can/could not help81

capable of81

care for81

carry forward82

carry into effect83

carry off83

carry on83

carry out84

carry over84

carry through85

carry weight85

carve out86

carve up86

cash down86

cash in on86

cast about for87

cast aside87

cast light on87

cast lots87

cast off87

cast out88

catch at88

catch fire88

catch on88

catch one’s breath89

catch out89

catch sb. ’s eye89

catch sight of90

catch up with90

chance on90

change hands90

change one’s mind91

check in91

check out91

check up91

cheer on92

cheer up92

chew over92

choke back93

choke up93

clamp down (on)93

clean out93

clean up94

clear away94

clear off95

clear out95

clear the air95

clear up95

close by97

close down97

close in (on)98

close up98

come about98

come across98

come along99

come apart99

come around99

come at99

come between100

come by100

come down100

come in for101

come into being101

come into effect101

come into one’s own102

come into operation102

come into play102

come off102

come on103

come out103

come round104

come through105

come to105

come to a close105

come to a head105

come to blows105

come to grief106

come to life106

come to light106

come to no harm106

come to one’s senses106

come to terms107

come true107

come up107

come up against107

come up to107

come up with108

compare notes108

compare... to108

cook up108

cool down108

count against109

count down110

count in110

count on110

count out111

count up111

cover for112

cover up112

crack down113

crack up113

crawl with113

crop up113

cross off114

cry out for114

curl up114

cut across114

cut back115

cut corners115

cut down115

cut in116

cut off116

cut out116

cut short117

dash off118

dawn on118

day and night118

day in, day out118

deal in119

deal with119

decide on119

deep down120

die away120

die down120

die out120

dig up121

dine out121

dip into121

dish out121

do away with122

do for122

do justice to122

do one’s best123

do one’s bit123

do one’s utmost123

do sb. good123

do the honors123

do up123

do with124

do without125

double up125

down with125

doze off125

drag on125

drag out126

draw a veil over126

draw in126

draw on126

draw up127

dream up128

dress up128

drink in128

drive a hard bargain129

drive at129

drop by129

drop in130

drop off130

drop out130

drum up131

dry out131

dry up131

due to132

dwell on132

each other133

early on133

ease off133

ease up134

edit out134

either... or134

embark on135

end in135

end up135

enjoy oneself136

enter into136

enter on136

err on the side of137

even as137

even if137

even though137

ever so137

every bit137

every inch137

every now and then138

every other138

every so often138

except for138

exert oneself138

face to face139

face up to139

fall apart139

fall back140

fall back on140

fall behind140

fall for141

fall in love with141

fall in with141

fall on142

fall out142

fall prey to142

fall short of143

fall through143

fall to143

far and wide143

far from144

feel like144

feel the pinch144

few and far between144

figure out145

fill in145

fill out146

fill the bill147

find fault147

find fault with147

find out147

first and foremost149

first of all149

fish for149

fit in with149

fix on150

fix up150

flatter oneself151

follow one’s nose151

follow through151

follow up152

fool about152

for all152

for anything152

for certain153

for ever153

for example153

for fear of/(that)154

for free154

for fun154

for good155

for good measure155

for instance155

for life155

for nothing156

for one thing156

for one’s part156

for real156

for sale157

for short157

for sure157

for that matter158

for the better158

for the moment158

for the present158

for the record159

for the sake of159

for the time being159

foul up160

from scratch160

from (the bottom of)one’s heart160

from time to time160

gain an advantage over161

gain on161

gamble away161

gear up161

get a move on162

get about162

get across162

get ahead163

get along163

get along with164

get around164

get at165

get away165

get back166

get by167

get down168

get down to169

get down to business169

get even (with)169

get hold of169

get in169

get in sb. ’s hair170

get into170

get off171

get nowhere172

get on172

get on sb. ’s nerves173

get on to173

get on with173

get out173

get over174

get rid of175

get the best of176

get the better of176

get the jump on176

get through176

get together177

get up178

give away179

give back180

give birth to180

give (free) rein to180

give in180

give off181

give out181

give rise to182

give the game away182

give up182

give vent to183

give way183

give way to183

glued to184

go about184

go after185

go against185

go ahead186

go along186

go around186

go at187

go back on188

go by188

go down188

go for189

go from bad to worse190

go halves190

go in for190

go into191

go into details192

go into effect192

go into operation192

go off192

go on193

go on a diet194

go out194

go out of business195

go out of one’s way195

go over195

go the round(s) of196

go through196

go to bed197

go to extreme197

go to great lengths197

go to pieces198

go to seed198

go under198

go up198

go wild199

go with199

go without200

go without saying201

go wrong201

good and202

grin and bear it202

had better203

had rather203

had rather... than..203

hail from203

hand down204

hand in204

hand in hand204

hand on204

hand out205

hand over205

hang about206

hang on206

hang on to207

hang together208

hang up208

hate sb. ’s guts209

have a bearing on210

have a bone to pick with210

have a thing about210

have an advantage over210

have had it210

have in mind211

have it in for211

have no business211

have nothing to do with211

have on211

have one’s hands full211

have something to do with212

have to do with212

head for212

head over heels212

heart and soul212

help oneself213

help out213

here and now214

here and there214

hinge on214

hit on214

hold at bay215

hold back215

hold down216

hold fast to216

hold forth217

hold in contempt217

hold off217

hold on218

hold one’s breath218

hold one’s own218

hold on to219

hold out219

hold over220

hold the fort220

hold up220

hold with221

hook up222

hope against hope222

how about222

how come222

hunt down222

hurry up223

I dare say224

If only224

improve on224

in a hurry225

in a manner of speaking225

in a moment225

in a row226

in a sense226

in a way226

in a word226

in abundance227

in accord with227

in accordance with227

in addition227

in addition to228

in advance228

in all228

in all probability229

in alliance with229

in answer to229

in any case229

in any event229

in black and white230

in blossom230

in brief230

in bulk230

in business230

in case231

in case of231

in character231

in charge of232

in the charge of232

in check232

in chorus232

in cold blood232

in collaboration with233

in common233

in comparison with233

in concert233

in confidence233

in conjunction with234

in connection with234

in conscience234

in consequence234

in consequence of234

in consideration of235

in contrast to235

in control235

in control of236

in debt236

in default of236

in defiance of236

in demand237

in depth237

in detail237

in difficulty238

in disgrace238

in disguise238

in dispute238

in doubt239

in due course239

in duplicate239

in effect240

in essence240

in excess of240

in fact240

in favo(u)r of240

in force241

in front of241

in full swing242

in future242

in general242

in good faith242

in (good) shape242

in half243

in hand243

in harmony (with)243

in haste243

in hono(u)r of244

in hot pursuit244

in itself244

in kind244

in league (with)245

in line245

in line with245

in luck245

in memory of245

in miniature245

in no case246

in no time246

in no way246

in one’s heart (of hearts)246

in one’s mind’s eye246

in one’s own right247

in order247

in order that247

in order to247

in other words248

in part248

in particular248

in person248

in place248

in place of249

in practice249

in print249

in private249

in proportion to250

in public250

in (large) quantity250

in quest of250

in question251

in reality251

in regard to251

in relation to251

in response to251

in retrospect252

in return252

in return for252

in ruins252

in sb.’s debt253

in sb.’s hands253

in sb.’s pocket253

in sb.’s presence253

in sb.’s shoes253

in sb.’s way254

in search of254

in season254

in secret254

in short255

in short order255

in sight255

in so far as255

in spite of255

in step255

in step with256

in stock256

in store256

in strength256

in sum256

in summary257

in tears257

in terms of257

in that257

in the act of258

in the air258

in the balance258

in the course of258

in the distance258

in the end259

in the event259

in the event of259

in the event that259

in the extreme260

in the face of260

in the first instance260

in the first place260

in the flesh261

in the future261

in the habit of261

in the interest(s) of261

in the interim262

in the least262

in the light of262

in the long run262

in the main263

in the middle of263

in the midst of263

in the name of263

in the neighborhood of263

in the raw264

in the red264

in the region of264

in the right264

in the saddle264

in the secret264

in the short run265

in the vicinity (of)265

in the wake of265

in the way265

in the wind265

in the wings266

in the world266

in the wrong266

in time266

in touch (with)266

in tow267

in transit267

in trouble267

in truth267

in tune267

in turn268

in use268

in vain268

in view of269

inquire after269

inquire into269

inside out269

instead of269

jog sb. ’s memory271

join hands271

jump the/a queue271

just about271

just as well271

just now272

keep abreast of273

keep an eye on273

keep at273

keep at a distance274

keep back274

keep sb. company275

keep down275

keep from275

keep house276

keep in mind276

keep off276

keep on277

keep one’s fingers crossed277

keep one’s head278

keep one’s own counsel278

keep one’s word278

keep pace (with)278

keep to278

keep track of279

keep up279

keep up with280

kick about281

kick off281

kick up282

kill two birds with onestone282

kind of282

knock about283

knock down283

knock off283

knock out284

know... backwards284

know better (than)284

know no bounds284

lap up286

lash out (at)286

later on286

laugh at287

laugh off287

lay aside287

lay claim to288

lay down288

lay off288

lay out289

lay over289

lay up290

lead the way290

leaf through290

learn by heart290

least of all291

leave alone291

leave behind292

leave off292

leave out293

leave to one’s own devices293

lend oneself to293

lend (sb. ) a hand294

let alone294

let down295

let go (of)295

let off295

let out296

let slide297

let slip297

let up297

level off298

light up298

like a shot299

like crazy299

like hell299

line up299

listen in300

little by little300

live off300

live out301

live through301

live up to301

live with302

lock up302

log in303

log off303

look after303

look ahead303

look at304

look back305

look down on305

look for306

look forward to306

look in307

look into307

look on308

look out (for)308

look over308

look through309

look to309

look up310

lose heart311

lose one’s head312

lose one’s temper312

lose oneself in312

lose sight of312

lose track of312

make a clean breast of314

make a/the difference314

make a fool of314

make a fuss of315

make a point of315

make a thing of315

make allowance(s) for315

make amends316

make an example of316

make an exhibition of316

make believe316

make for317

make friends (with)317

make fun of317

make history317

make it317

make no bones about318

make... of318

make off318

make one’s way318

make out318

make peace319

make sb. ’s hair standon end320

make sense320

make sure320

make the best of320

make the grade320

make the most of321

make up321

make up for322

make up one’s mind322

make use of322

make way323

many a323

map out323

mark down323

mark off324

mark up324

may as well324

mean business324

measure up325

meet with325

mend one’s ways326

mess about326

mess up326

mess with327

mind one’s own business327

miss out327

mix up328

more and more328

more often than not328

more or less329

move in on329

move on329

move up330

much as330

nail down331

neither here nor there331

neither... nor331

never mind331

next door332

next to332

no doubt333

no end333

no less than333

no longer334

no matter how334

no matter what334

no matter when334

no more334

no more(... ) than335

no sooner... than335

no way335

no wonder335

none but335

none other than336

none too336

nose about336

not have a leg to stand on336

not in the least336

not only... but (also)337

not so much... as337

not to mention337

nothing but338

now and then338

now that338

nowhere near338

odds and ends340

of a kind340

of a sort340

of course340

of late341

of necessity341

of no account341

of no avail341

of note342

of one’s own accord342

of the essence342

off and on342

off balance342

off duty342

off (one’s) guard343

off the air343

off the hook343

off the record343

on a diet344

on a large scale344

on a small scale344

on account of344

on and on344

on approval345

on (an) average345

on behalf of345

on board345

on business346

on condition that346

on cue346

on demand346

on duty346

on earth347

on edge347

on end347

on file348

on fire348

on foot348

on guard348

on hand348

on impulse349

on loan349

on no account349

on oath349

on occasion(s)349

on one’s conscience350

on one’s guard350

on one’s honour350

on one’s own350

on order351

on paper351

on purpose351

on record351

on sale351

on schedule352

on second thoughts352

on that score352

on the air352

on the alert352

on the average353

on the blink353

on the button353

on the contrary354

on the decline354

on the fence354

on the go354

on the ground(s) of354

on the horizon355

on the hour355

on the house355

on the increase355

on the job355

on the move356

on the one hand356

on the other hand356

on the part of356

on the point of357

on the quiet357

on the road357

on the run357

on the shelf357

on the side358

on the spot358

on the spur of the moment358

on the strength of358

on the table359

on the threshold of359

on the verge of359

on the whole359

on thin ice359

on time359

on top360

on top of360

once again360

once and for all360

once in a while361

once more361

once upon a time361

one after another361

one another361

one by one362

one day362

one way or another362

only too362

or else362

or so363

or something363

other than363

out of363

out of action364

out of breath364

out of character365

out of condition365

out of control365

out of date365

out of doors365

out of hand365

out of joint366

out of line366

out of luck366

out of one’s depth366

out of order366

out of place367

out of pocket367

out of practice367

out of print367

out of season368

out of sight368

out of sorts368

out of step368

out of stock368

out of the blue369

out of the ordinary369

out of the question369

out of the way369

out of touch with370

out of tune (with)370

out of use370

out of work371

outside of371

over and above371

over and over (again)371

over the hill371

own up372

pack away373

pack in373

pack off373

pack up374

part company (with)374

part with375

pass away375

pass by375

pass off (as)375

pass on376

pass out376

pass over376

pass up377

pat on the back377

patch up377

pave the way (for)378

pay attention to378

pay back379

pay off379

pay out380

pay up380

peel off380

peg away (at)381

per cent381

phase in381

phase out382

pick at382

pick on382

pick out382

pick sb. ’s brains383

pick up383

piece together384

pin down385

pitch in385

place a premium on385

play a part (in)385

play at386

play back386

play down387

play off against387

play on387

play (it) safe387

play up388

play with fire388

plug in388

point out388

poke about389

poke fun at389

poke one’s nose into390

polish off390

pour out390

presence of mind390

press on391

presume on391

prey on391

prior to391

pull apart392

pull away392

pull down392

pull in393

pull off393

pull on394

pull one’s weight394

pull out394

pull over395

pull through395

pull to pieces396

pull together396

pull up397

push around397

push on397

put a (high) premium on398

put across398

put aside398

put away399

put down399

put forward399

put in399

put in a word for400

put into effect400

put into operation400

put into practice400

put off400

put on401

put one’s heads together401

put out402

put over402

put the screw(s) on403

put through403

put to death403

put to use403

put up403

put up with405

puzzle out405

quite a few406

rack one’s brains407

rather than407

reckon on407

reckon with408

reel off408

refer to... as408

regardless of409

rein in409

relative to409

revolve around409

ride out410

right away410

ring off410

ring up410

rise above411

rise to411

roll in411

roll up411

root out412

rope in412

round the clock412

round the corner412

round up413

rub it in413

rule out413

run across413

run away with413

run down414

run into415

run out (of)416

run over416

run riot416

run through416

run to417

run up417

run up against417

safe and sound418

sail through418

save for418

scale down418

scarcely... when418

scrape by419

scrape through419

scrape together419

screw up420

seal off420

second to none420

see about421

see eye to eye421

see off421

see out421

see red422

see that422

see through422

see to422

seeing that423

seize on423

seize up423

sell off424

sell out424

sell up424

send away425

send for425

send in425

send off426

send out426

send up426

serve out427

serve... right427

serve up427

set about427

set against428

set apart428

set aside428

set back429

set down429

set fire to429

set forth430

set free430

set in430

set off430

set on431

set one’s heart on432

set out432

set sail433

set store by433

set the pace433

set up433

settle down434

settle for434

settle in435

settle into435

settle on435

settle up435

sew up436

shade in436

shade into436

shake down436

shake off437

shake up437

shape up437

shoot down437

shoot up438

shoulder to shoulder438

shout down438

shove off438

show off439

show up439

shrug off439

shut away440

shut down440

shut in440

shut off440

shut out441

shut up441

shy away from442

side by side442

sign away442

sign over442

sign for442

sign in442

sign off443

sign on443

sign out443

sink in443

sit around444

sit back444

sit in on444

sit out445

size up445

sketch out445

sleep off445

sleep through445

slip up446

slow down446

smooth over446

snap out of446

snap up447

sniff out447

so as to447

so... as to447

so far447

so far as... be concerne448

so long448

so long as448

so that448

so... that448

so to speak449

soak up449

something of449

sooner or later449

sort of449

sort out450

sound out450

space out451

speak for451

speak out451

speed up452

spell out452

spit out453

split up453

sponge off453

spread about453

spring up454

square off454

square up454

stab in the back454

stamp out454

stand a chance of465

stand by455

stand down456

stand for456

stand in457

stand out457

stand up458

stand up for458

stand up to458

start off459

start on459

start out459

start up460

stay put460

steam up460

steer clear of461

step aside461

step by step461

step down462

step in462

step up462

stick around463

stick at463

stick by463

stick out464

stick out for464

stick to465

stick together466

stick up for466

stick with466

stir up467

stop by467

stop off467

stop over468

straight away468

strike off468

strike out468

strike up469

string along469

string out469

stumble across470

stumble on470

such as470

suck up470

sum up471

summon up471

sure enough471

swear by471

swear in471

swear off472

switch off472

switch on472

tag along474

tail off474

take a chance474

take (a) delight in475

take a fancy to475

take a gamble475

take a hand in475

take aback476

take account of476

take advantage of476

take after477

take apart477

take... as477

take away477

take back478

take... by surprise478

take care478

take care of479

take charge479

take cover479

take down480

take effect480

take... for481

take for granted481

take heart482

take in482

take in (one’s) stride483

take into account483

take into consideration483

take into one’s confidenc484

take it easy484

take (one’s) leave (of)484

take lying down485

take note of485

take off485

take on486

take one’s cue from487

take one’s time487

take out487

take over488

take pains488

take part (in)489

take place489

take sb. ’s breath away489

take shape489

take stock of490

take the place of490

take the plunge490

take to490

take... to heart491

take... to task491

take turns491

take up492

take... with a grain〔pinch〕 of salt493

talk back493

talk down to493

talk into493

talk out of493

talk over494

talk sense494

talk through one’s hat494

tangle with494

tear at494

tear away495

tear down495

tear into495

tear up495

tell apart495

tell off496

thanks to496

that is496

that is to say496

the hell496

the moment496

the more... the more497

the rank and file497

the same as497

then and there497

think back (to)497

think better of497

think of498

think of... as499

think over499

think through499

think up499

through and through500

through thick and thin500

throw away500

throw in501

throw light on501

throw off501

throw one’s weight about502

throw out502

throw up502

tick away52

tick by53

tide over53

tidy away53

tie down53

tie in with54

tie up54

time after time54

tip off55

tire out505

to a certain extent505

to a day505

to advantage506

to all appearance(s)506

to all intents (and purposes)506

to be on the safe side506

to begin with507

to date507

to death507

to excess507

to go508

to hell with508

to my mind508

to one’s heart’s content508

to one’s knowledge508

to say nothing of509

to say the least509

to sb. ’s credit509

to some degree509

to spare509

to start with509

to the best of one’s ability510

to the contrary510

to the core510

to the effect that510

to the letter510

to the point510

to the tune of510

toe the line511

together with511

tone down511

top up511

touch down512

touch off512

touch on512

touch up513

track down513

trade in513

trade on514

trail along514

trail off514

treat of514

trip up514

try on515

try one’s best515

try out516

tuck away516

tuck in516

tuck up517

tumble to517

tune in (to)517

turn a blind eye (to)517

turn a deaf ear518

turn around518

turn away518

turn back518

turn down519

turn in519

turn on520

turn one’s back on521

turn out521

turn over521

turn over a new leaf522

turn the corner523

turn the tables523

turn to523

turn up524

under control525

under cover525

under fire525

under no circumstances525

under oath526

under one’s breath526

under the circumstances526

under the weather526

under way526

up against526

up in the air527

up to527

up to date527

up to scratch528

up to the minute528

upwards of528

use up528

wait on529

wake up to529

walk away with529

walk out530

ward off530

warm to530

warm up531

wash one’s hands of531

wash up532

waste away532

watch out532

watch out for533

wave aside533

wear away533

wear off534

wear out534

what about534

what if535

what is more535

what is worse535

whether... or535

why not535

wide of the mark536

win out536

win over536

win through536

wind up536

wipe out537

with a view to537

with abandon537

with good grace538

with one accord538

with reference to538

with regard to538

with respect to538

with the exception of539

within reason539

without fail539

without prejudice539

without question539

word for word539

work at540

work off540

work on540

work out540

work up542

worth one’s salt542

would rather542

would sooner543

write down543

write off543

year after year544

year by year544
